Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Owl Speaks after a Long Absence

Dear Scouts,

I hope that everyone has had a good break during June and are starting to get back on track on your studies in a new semester ahead. Most of you would have gone for June Camp @ Sarimbun and would have known that I made a very brief drop-by on the campfire night. I am sorry that I have been away for such a long time - I have been busy with my internship @ the Ministry of Home Affairs which has been a great eye-opener (those interested can approach me personally to find out more).

That said, I have a few things to add on to what Hearty Gorilla has said:

1. Spiderweb Communication

As you should be well aware by now, the H1N1 flu bug has become a big concern for everyone: in fact, it has affected 3 Scout meetings ever since this second semester has started in Ngee Ann. While we should all do our part and avoid large groups to prevent pandemic spreads, this doesn't mean training has to stop. There are few things you can do to keep your self updated, most important of which is to... Stay Tuned to this blog! your PLC is hard at work always to come up with training programmes still.

We will also be putting in place an alternative communication network known as a Spiderweb. It is essentially a communication line from the leaders down to every Scout, from tenderfoot to Venture. To help you understand here's a simple sketch of how it flows:

Teachers-in-Charge/Leaders --> TL/SPL --> PLC --> Member 1 --> Member 2 --> Member X --> APL

After the APL has received the message, he will confirm back with his PL who will confirm back with the TL. The TL will confirm back with the Leaders that the message was spread.

Eveyrone should know the sequence in your own patrol to prevent confusion.

This system will be tested VERY SOON. So please spread the word!

2. Rough Outline of Programme [including courses!] for the Next Few Months

July = Pioneering
Aug = Backwoodsman, National Resilience Badge *NEW*
Sept = 1st Aid Course for Sec 1s, 1st Class Hike for Sec 2s

The rest will be confirmed soon!

That's all for now! Until we meet, please take care!

Cheers & YIS,
Staunch Owl

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