Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Scout Meeting on Saturday, 2nd July 2011

To All Ngee Ann Wichita Scouts,

There will be a Scout Meeting this Saturday, 2nd July 2011. Details are as follows:

Reporting Time: 8.45am
Attire: Full Uniform
Things to bring: Wichita Kit, Red Wichita Shirt and P.E pants

For the Sec 1s, if you DO NOT have your Wichita Shirt, please bring your PE Shirt and pants.

Attendance will be taken as per normal. Those who are absent without valid reason will be dealt accordingly. If you are unable to attend this Saturday meeting, please inform the Teachers before Friday, 1st July 2011. Thank you.


Fareeq aka Hearty Gorilla

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Post-camp Reflection

Dear All,

It's been about 3 weeks since the June Camp. To date, I have only received 2 reflection essays. While I did say during the camp that I don't want to set a deadline for the reflection, I am afraid I will need to set one now due to the poor response.

As such, you will have up to 27th June 6pm to send in your responses. I do advise you, however, to do it ASAP - the longer you wait, the more you forget, and the less sincere/genuine your reflections. So do yourself a favour and get it done right now!

Please ensure you send your reflections - original pieces only, no copying - to my Scouting mail account. Identify yourself, and state your class and patrol. Some pointers on what to write about:

1. what happened during the 4D3N
2. Your personal experiences
3. What did you learn?
4. How do you think you can improve?
5. Feedback about the camp and/or camp staff.

Have a good rest-of-the-holidays!

Staunch Owl

Thursday, June 2, 2011

NAWST Annual June Camp 2011

Dear All,

Please note that the June Camp will officially start on 3 June 0800h. Please form up the horseshoe at the school metal flag poles with two flags ready for flag break: Singapore State flagand Wichita flag.

The camp will officially end on 6th June at 3pm. It may stretch depending on programme changes due to weather and other events.

The following is also a suggested packing list for those of you who are not aware of what is happening:

Note: This packing list is a reminder to what you have already been briefed on.

Personal Packing List

Full Scout Uniform

X1 set

Black Shoes

X1 pair

T-shirts and shorts

Minimum x4 sets

Socks & underwear



X1 set

Talcum Powder

X1 bottle, small

Torch (with functional batteries)

X1 set

Eating Utensils w/ mug

X1 set

Mess Tin

X1 set

Log Book

X1 book

Test Card

X1 book

Writing Materials (pens, pencils, OHP markers, protractor)

X1 set




X1 piece


X1 piece


X1 pair

Cap/hat (optional)


Medicine for self (if any)*

Subject to leaders’ inspection


Min. x3 pieces

Plastic Bags or ziplock bags

Swiss Army Knife


Personal Water Bottle (1.5l)




For money, do not bring more than $10 per camper. Come with your EZ-link cards topped up with approximately $10 in value (just in case you will need to run around outside school)...

The NAWST Rules are listed here as well, in case you have never heard of it or have forgotten it:

Ngee Ann Wichita Scout Troop Camp Rules and Regulations (estd. since 1994)

1. The Scout Law is the Law of the Camp

2. All campers and staff are to be dressed appropriately at all times

3. Participants are not allowed into ‘Out-of-bound’ areas

4. Respect the Camp Staff at all times

5. Upon meeting any camp staff, greet immediately without prompting

6. No Vulgarities and Fighting is allowed in this camp

7. No Vandalism of School/camp and public facilities

8. Smoking is NOT ALLOWED in this camp

9. Participants are NOT ALLOWED to wear sandals and/or slippers during the daytime; they are only allowed during bathing time and sleeping time.

10. Participants are advised to seek for First Aid if they are injured.

11. Report any sickness or injury to the Medical Officer-in-charge ASAP

12. Participants are to march or jog in a brisk and orderly fashion, as a Patrol, from point to point AT ALL TIMES

13. Participants are to maintain camp cleanliness and hygiene at all times

14. Participants are to wear their scarves AT ALL TIMES during training

15. Be friendly to Nature

16. No lights and movement in camp after Lights Out

17. No lamps, naked flames or flammable devices inside tents

18. No camp raiding (a.k.a. sabotage)

19. Participants are to maintain a strong sense of discipline AT ALL TIMES

20. Honesty and Integrity is expected out of all Campers and Camp Staff

Note: Participants who fail to comply with the Camp Rules and Regulations will be strictly disciplined.

Finally, some personal tips for the camp ahead:

1. BE PREPARED. I cannot stress this enough. Come with an open mind, positive attitude and bright smile to make the best out of it.

2. Patrols will be assessed on a series of challenges during the camp. Prizes await the winners, and unmentionable horror awaits the unprepared! Come armed with your skills, your whole patrol (it helps to have a big patrol!), and your Scouting savvy.

3. You are strongly discouraged from being valuables into the camp. Handphones and wallets will be locked and secured by the teachers at the beginning of the camp to help you safeguard your belongings.


Staunch Owl