Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Owl Speaks...

Dear Scouts,

Here are a few things to recap what has been said earlier in today's meeting. And some announcements as well.

1. Result of External Assessor Visit...

... who is very pleased with the Troop. For the benefit of those who were unable to make it today, the external assessor (Mr. Lai Kwok Chin, District Commissioner for Toa Payoh) was impressed with the standard and quality of the boys.

The leaders were also pleasantly shocked to see our store and woodshed in a more credible state. Credit goes to the QM and everyone who has helped him. He did notice, however, that our 3-2-1 flagpole is slanting dangerously.

On the overall, he is still giving our Troop a very positive review. EVERYONE should be congratulated for a job well done!

This, however, is only the beginning. We're not a professional wayang (i.e. show) company that's only good for 1-hit wonders. You have shown us, the leaders, and yourselves and one another that YES YOU CAN do things right. So keep up the good work!

2. Exams & Revision

As mentioned, pleasepleaseplease make sure you study for your exams. If you think you can't study alone, you can always form a Patrol Study Team and meet up during meeting time as per usual next week but for mugging. It was done before and can be successful.

As usual, the Leaders wish everyone Good Luck for your exams! The leaders will need it too. Don't be surprised if we pop by on a Friday for revision too!

3. June Camp Notice

The camp will be officially held from 9th to 12 June. Please advise one another what you should bring for your camp, how to pack your stuff etc. Consent forms will be given out soon. Dear Sec 4 Senior Scouts, this camp applies for you guys as well!

This camp will be strictly very compulsory. Please advise your parents to set aside time for this. As a Scout, most of your learning comes from working with your Patrol members. Having insufficient patrol members is always the most lousy reason to disrupt your time together to train, bond and have fun as a group!

That's all!

Staunch Owl

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